Earn While You Learn

The Earn While You Learn initiative allows clients to earn much-needed baby supplies by participating in video-based classes. When clients come in for an appointment, they always meet with a volunteer or paid staff member who takes some time to talk through any questions or issues they may have, thus offering emotional and personal support. As they participate, clients earn “Mommy Money” and “Daddy Dollars” they can use in our on-site baby store.

We see this program as a win/win: low-income parents are getting the material support they need, but not just that, they are getting the education, skills, and information they need to become good parents. Participants gain a sense of self-worth as they truly earn all the baby items they will use for their new baby. Clients can participate as early as they find out they are pregnant, all the way until their child is two years of age. Most clients come once a week, but again, it can be schedule at their convenience. We love the opportunity this initiative gives for us to build long-term relationships with moms and dads.

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Learn more about our volunteer opportunities and upcoming events.

380 Mendel Parkway Montgomery, AL 36117

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