Medical Services


Pregnancy Testing

One of our primary services is providing free and confidential pregnancy testing. Our goal is to serve the whole person: physical, emotional and spiritual. Because of this, when a patient comes in for a pregnancy test, they first meet with a volunteer client advocate. The client advocate will talk to them about their situation… “How will you feel if your test is positive today? Do you have support from family? From your partner?” The client advocate will use this time to try to understand the patient’s circumstances so that we can offer the appropriate emotional support. The client advocate will also take time to find out where the patient is spiritually, and we are committed to sharing the Gospel with each woman who comes through our door. Each pregnancy test patient, regardless of the result, will also receive a consultation with the nurse. On average, we provide about 1,000 pregnancy tests each year to women in the River Region.


Prenatal Care

In 2017, our center began offering limited prenatal care to our clients. For many of the low-income women we serve, offering the initial prenatal visit at First Choice helps bridge the gap in care before they establish pregnancy Medicaid and find a local physician. We aim to provide continuity in care and support, especially for women who are vulnerable to abortion. We provide these services through a community partnership with Baptist Health, who blesses our ministry by providing medical personnel and lab services at no charge to us or to our clients.


Every patient who has a positive pregnancy test is offered a free ultrasound for confirmation. Our staff nurses are certified to provide limited obstetrical ultrasound. Ultrasound is one of the most powerful tools for educating women about the reality of life inside the womb, giving a woman her first chance to bond with her baby. Over the past five years in our ministry, out of women who were planning an abortion or who were in a situation vulnerable to an abortion, of those who consented to an ultrasound with us, more than 60 percent left saying they planned to choose life for their unborn baby. We are so thankful for the support in our community that allows us to sustain this valuable medical service.

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Learn more about our volunteer opportunities and upcoming events.

380 Mendel Parkway Montgomery, AL 36117

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