Fathers First

In 2016, we started our first steps toward establishing an arm of our ministry focused on engaging and equipping fathers. The Fathers First initiative is a targeted approach to reaching men by inviting them to group sessions where they can learn about a dad-friendly topic—taught by a MAN.
In 2019, we brought a man on staff part-time to spearhead this ministry. Currently our Fathers First sessions meet weekly on Tuesdays at noon.

We believe it is critical to reach these men for two reasons—1, they are a huge part of helping a woman make a pregnancy decision, and 2—they are an even bigger part of bringing that child into the world into a healthy home environment.


If you or someone you know would like to be involved as a teacher, support role, or dad mentor, please contact Robert at robert@firstchoicewmc.com or (334) 260-8010.

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380 Mendel Parkway Montgomery, AL 36117

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